The OPC Foundation’s real-time data (OPC DA) and historical data (OPC HDA) specifications ushered in an era of open, vendor-neutral industrial data communication that made plant-floor to top-floor data sharing a reality. As with everything, interconnection of plants and control systems has evolved. Protecting control systems and their data from threats within companies and from outside third parties has become an urgent necessity.
Download this MatrikonOPC and OPC Foundation sponsored webcast to better understand why it is no longer enough to rely on the basic OPC security settings provided by the Operating System.
You will learn about the underlying security problems and how the OPC Foundation’s OPC Security Specification helps solve them. In addition, you will learn how any OPC architecture can be made secure thanks to the use of OPC Security Specification compliant products that adhere to the Foundation’s open, vendor-neutral approach to connectivity.
Download this webcast now!