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Download: Advanced OPC Integration to Triconex Systems

Get more information from your Triconex with true OPC integration!

The Triconex family of controllers are the most trusted and widely used in the world. From ESD to Gas Turbine controls, Triconex has become a by-word for safety and reliability, but traditionally the information and feedback available from these systems has been limited. Integration has been limited to hardwire or Modbus systems, with inherent limitations on speed, scalability and accuracy.

The MatrikonOPC Server for Triconex has become a go-to standard for OPC integration to these systems. Incorporating all the advantages of the native Triconex protocols such as time stamping and SOE, it allows true multi-system unification of DCS/SCADA/HMI/PLC systems. However there are design challenges inherent to these more sophisticated architectures which are often beyond the knowledge of most end users.

Download and view the "Advanced OPC Integration to Triconex Systems" presentation to learn more about how OPC integration works, the advantages and challenges of working with the Triconex system, and the tricks and tips you need to know when working with these architectures.

This presentation will offer key takeaways including:

  • A clear, high-level understanding of the OPC technologies available for Triconex integration;
  • The benefits of OPC integration versus traditional methods;
  • The challenges in an advanced architecture;
  • Tips needed for a successful project.

Easy to understand yet full of relevant detail – this concise presentation will arm everyone from engineers to vendors and business decision makers with the knowledge they need to evaluate the value of using OPC technology.


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