About Matrikon

Matrikon: Empowering and Innovating Industry Digitalization.

Over twenty-five years ago, Matrikon began its journey as a supplier of OPC classic connectors and data management applications. With the advent of OPC UA, we re-imagined our scope, leading to the creation of solutions that now fuel the era of business digitalization.

Our Evolution:

  • From OPC Classic to OPC UA: By transitioning from traditional OPC solutions to solutions based on OPC UA, MQTT, and other open standards, we set new benchmarks for how standards can best be utilized to enable next-generation data interoperability.
  • Pioneering Solutions: With innovation in our DNA, our approach has led to the development of solutions that support and propel the industrial landscape into a future of digitalization and smart connectivity.

Our Mission: To deliver unparalleled data operationalization products that are vendor-neutral and open standards-based. We’re committed to empowering both vendors and end-users with the tools they need to thrive in the era of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie4.0 (I4.0).

Our Promise: Reliability, sustainability, and innovation are the cornerstones of the Matrikon brand. We provide robust products and comprehensive training and support to ensure our customers are equipped to compete at the highest level in today’s dynamic industrial landscape.

Our Expertise Redefined:

  • Professional OPC UA Software Development Kit (SDK):  Designed for software developers, our Flex SDK family is the foundation upon which robust and secure industrial applications are built.
  • Holistic OT Data Solutions: From closing IT/OT security gaps to enabling end-users to manage and contextualize their third-party data, our solutions ensure that your data flows securely and efficiently to where it’s needed most across the shop floor, throughout the enterprise, and to the cloud.
  • Data Technology (DT):  We’ve introduced the term ‘Data Technology’ to describe the functionality next-generation OT/IT aware software, like our Matrikon Data Broker, needs to meet the needs of OT and IT alike while filling a long-standing void between them.
  • Unified OT Data Layer (UODL):  Our vision of the UODL represents a collective approach to OT data sharing, integrating functionality across every company level to make seamless sharing of meaningful OT data possible enterprise-wide.

Our Commitment:  We’re dedicated to implementing practical, trusted solutions our customers can rely on. Simultaneously, we invest heavily in research and development to drive innovation, not just incremental improvements. This dual focus ensures that we’re not only meeting today’s needs but also shaping the future of industrial data sharing.

Join us at Matrikon, where our history informs our future, and our commitment to innovation drives the digital transformation of industries worldwide. Together, we’ll navigate the complexities of the IIoT and I4.0 era, leveraging our rich heritage to deliver solutions that empower your business to excel in the digital age.