DDE Server for Automation and Electronics Autocom

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The OPC Server for AutoCom was developed specifically for a SCADA based application to handle such instances as polling, inter message delays, prioritized transactions, etc. Through the OPC Server for AutoCom, card data for the Pump-off controller can be extracted onto a client machine and analyzed. This allows Asset Managers to analyze and identify optimization strategies in the asset base. The OPC Server for AutoCom will allow connection to multiple protocols on the same channel. This is revolutionary in the SCADA upstream marketplace.

The OPC Server for AutoCom connects to the various Automation & Electronics hardware products:
  • Pump-off controller
  • Injection controller
  • Flowing well controller (firm ware)
  • Facility RTU

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MatrikonOPC's Industrial Strength Guarantee
Do you require multiple protocol support in one single OPC Server? Learn more about the Matrikon OPC Universal Connectivity Server.