Honeywell Measurex OPC Server

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The MatrikonOPC server for Measurex provides read access to Measurex systems via a serial port. The OPC server communicates with the system as a foreign host, using the Foreign Host ASCII protocol in half-duplex contention mode.

The server includes support for:
  • multiple connections to Measurex systems via the model 2524 translator, one
        system per COM port on the host computer
  • Half-duplex mode (mode 2)
  • Read-only
  • Single variables optimized into larger requests automatically
  • Array variables
  • Runs as a Windows Service


    MatrikonOPC's Industrial Strength Guarantee
    Do you require multiple protocol support in one single OPC Server? Learn more about the MatrikonOPC Universal Connectivity Server.

    Honeywell Measurex OPC Server is OPC Certified! The Honeywell Measurex OPC Server is OPC Certified!
    OPC Certification is the process of ensuring that applications meet the standards specified by the OPC Foundation. OPC Certification requires extensive testing to ensure true interoperability. OPC Certification means multi-vendor system interoperability is guaranteed. If your OPC products are not certified, you need to ask your vendor what sort of guarantees they offer.