Honeywell User Group EMEA 2014

November 10 - 15, 2014

Cost: 1028EURO

The World Forum Convention Centre
Booth: TBA
Churchillplein 10 2517 JW
The Hague, Netherlands

Knowledge and understanding make it happen – whether "it" is reducing cost, evolving your system, or improving a specific aspect of your operation. Join us for the 2014 Honeywell Users Group EMEA Conference – focusing on your need for knowledge!

Honeywell Users Group global conferences feature many ways to share and exchange knowledge, including information-packed user presentations, industry-specific breakout sessions, topical panel discussions, hands-on demonstrations and networking opportunities to interact with fellow users and Honeywell experts.

Whether you are considering implementing Honeywell solutions, wish to harness the capabilities of your current assets or want to optimize operations with advanced applications, Honeywell Users Group provides an unsurpassed forum for you to gain the knowledge and tools needed to meet your objectives.

As an attendee, you will have the opportunity to learn how your peers tackle challenges and implement strategies to enhance business results. You will also learn about Honeywell's technology roadmap and have the opportunity to provide input on the prioritization of Honeywell's research and development spending.

Join hundreds of automation users and industry experts as they gather to explore the latest industry trends and technology developments – sharing experiences and transferring knowledge!

Click here for more information.