Honeywell Users Group Americas

June 21 - 26, 2015

Cost: 1195USD

JW Marriott San Antonio Resort and Spa
23808 Resort Parkway
San Antonio, TX, United States

We’re marking 40 years of knowledge and innovation at Honeywell Users Group 2015 in Texas. Get ready to experience one of the biggest technological conferences in the industry where you can impart and gain knowledge on the most pressing issues and challenges your industry faces today.

More than 1300 attendees took part in the 2014 Honeywell Users Group (HUG) Americas Symposium. This year’s HUG promises to be even bigger and better with a chance to listen to other customers share their experiences, talk with industry experts about your own challenges, and get hands-on technology demonstrations.

Joining us as keynote speaker is Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane who shattered traditional MLB beliefs that big payrolls equated to winning. As a dynamic and unrelenting agent of change, Beane’s leadership of the underdog organization and its subsequent successes has resulted in an extraordinary experience that transcends baseball. His game-changing journey will inspire you to lead change within your own organization as you seek innovative ways to gain competitive advantages through automation.

Don’t miss the 2015 HUG Americas… It’s a Game Changer!